4983 Tall Oaks Drive · Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776 · info@bitteroleander.com
Recognized as Best Literary Journal for 2005 by Public Radio's - "The Poet and the Poem's" Tenth Annual Award for Excellence in Print

Book Orders By Regular Postal Mail

Book TitlePriceQty.Sub-Total
On Carbon-Dating Hunger by Anthony Seidman$14.00  
Torn Apart by Joyce Mansour$14.00  
Children of the Quadrilateral by Benjamin Perèt$14.00  
Half-Said by Paul B. Roth$8.00  
Cadenzas by Needlelight by Paul B. Roth$16.00  
The Moon Rises in the Rattlesnake's Mouth by Silvia Scheibli$6.00  
Festival of Stone by Steve Barfield$12.00  
Infinite Days by Alan Britt$16.00  
Edible Amazonia by Nicomedes Suárez-Araúz$11.00  
Teaching Bones to Fly by Christine Boyka Kluge$14.00  
Travel Over Water by Ye Chun$14.00  
Where Thirsts Intersect by Anthony Seidman$16.00  
Vermilion by Alan Britt$16.00  
A Cage of Transparent Words by Alberto Blanco$20.00  
Stirring the Mirror by Christine Boyka Kluge$16.00  
Gold Carp Jack Fruit Mirrors by George Kalamaras$18.00  
Van Gogh in Poems by Carol Dine$21.00  
Giving Way by Shawn Fawson$16.00  
Afterglow / Tras el rayo by Alberto Blanco$21.00  
Of Flies and Monkeys / de singes et de mouches by Jacques DupinNA  
If Night is Falling by John Taylor$16.00  
The First Decade (1968-1978) by Duane Locke$25.00  
1001 Winters by Kristiina Ehin$21.00  
Empire in the Shade of a Grass Blade by Rob Cook$18.00  
Parabola Dreams by Alan Britt & Silvia Scheibli$16.00  
Painting the Egret's Echo by Patty Dickson Pieczka$16.00  
Tobacco Dogs/Perros de tabaco by Ana Minga$18.00  
Child Sings in the Womb by Patrick Lawler$18.00  
Sheds/Hangars by José-Flore Tappy$21.00  
Puppets in the Wind by Karl Krolow$21.00  
Movement Through the End by Philippe Rahmy$18.00  
The Cave by Tom Holmes$12.00  
Light from a Small Brown Bird by Rich Ives$14.00  
The Sky's Dustbin by Katherine Sánchez Espano$12.00  
Ripened Wheat: Selected Poems of Hai Zi$21.00  
Confetti-Ash: Selected Poems of Salvador Novo$18.00  
All the Beautiful Dead by Christien Gholson$12.00  
Territory of Dawn: Selected Poems of Eunice OdioNA  
The Hunchbacks' Bus by Nora Iuga$18.00  
Call Me When You Get to Rosie's by Austin LaGrone$12.00  
To Each Unfolding Leaf by Pierre Voélin$25.00  
Shatter the Bell in My Ear by Christine Lavant$18.00  
Wondering the Alphabet by Roderick Martinez$30.00  
Kissing the Bee by Lara Gularte$14.00  
Night Farming in Bosnia by Ray Keifetz$12.00  
Remembrance of Water by John Taylor$21.00  
The Little Book of Passage by Franca Mancinelli$16.00  
The Stella Poems by Duane Locke$14.00  
Forty-One Objects by Carsten René Nielsen$18.00  
Ancient Maps and a Tarot Pack by Serena Fusek$15.00  
At an Hour's Sleep from Here by Franca Mancinelli$28.00  
Not All Saints by Sean Thomas Dougherty$16.00  
Outside by André du Bouchet$28.00  
I walk around gathering up my garden... by Marie Lundquist$21.00  
Blue Swan, Black Swan: The Trakl Diaries by Stephanie Dickinson$18.00  
Consecration of the Wolves by Salgado Maranhão$21.00  
Tango Below a Narrow Ceiling by Riad Saleh Hussein$21.00  
Weightless Earth by Paul B. Roth$21.00  
Tracing the Distance by Andrea Moorhead$18.00  
The Butterfly Cemetery by Franca Mancinelli$25.00  
Come Closer by Laurie Blauner$20.00  
Gathering Sunlight by Silvia Scheibli & Patty Dickson Pieczka$24.00  
Book of Lamentations by Red Hawk (aka Robert Moore)$21.00  
Dreams the Stones Have by David Chorlton$21.00  
Angel Trumpets by Jeff Royce$18.00  
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