4983 Tall Oaks Drive · Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776 · info@bitteroleander.com
Recognized as Best Literary Journal for 2005 by Public Radio's - "The Poet and the Poem's" Tenth Annual Award for Excellence in Print


Bitter Oleander Books

CONGRATULATIONS!!! to Jeff Royce of North Palm Beach, FL whose thoughtful and clear manuscript Angel Trumpets has won the 13th annual Bitter Oleander Press Library of Poetry Award (BOPLOPA) for 2024. Judging this year's competition were the editors. Jeff Royce's prize of $1500 was in addition to his entire collection being published in February of 2025 by The Bitter Oleander Press.

Effective immediately (03/03/2025) We will no longer be accepting submissions for our annual Library of Poetry Award. We thank all of our past entrants and winners for making these past thirteen years of holding this competition a significant one.

Any other questions concerning this Award may be forwarded to us by e-mail: info@bitteroleander.com


---2012---Patty Dickson Pieczka for Painting the Egret's Echo
---2013---Tom Holmes for The Cave
---2014---Katherine Sánchez Espano for The Sky's Dustbin
---2015---Christien Gholson for All the Beautiful Dead
---2016---Austin LaGrone for Call Me When You Get to Rosie's
---2017---Ray Keifetz for Night Farming in Bosnia
---2018---Serena Fusek for Ancient Maps and a Tarot Pack
---2019---Sean Thomas Dougherty for Not All Saints
---2020---Stephanie Dickinson for Blue Swan, Black Swan: The Trakl Diaries
---2021---Andrea Moorhead for Tracing the Distance
---2022---Laurie Blauner for Come Closer
---2023---Robert Moore (Red Hawk) for Book of Lamentations
---2024---Jeff Royce for Angel Trumpets

        The Bitter Oleander Press Library of Poetry Award
        The Bitter Oleander Press
        4983 Tall Oaks Drive
        Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776

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The Bitter Oleander Press
4983 Tall Oaks Drive · Fayetteville, · New York 13066-9776
http://www.bitteroleander.com · Email: info@bitteroleander.com

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